What pride really is

Hey there…How’re you doing?

First of all… Can we normalize dropping comments here instead of my DM馃馃槒
Can weeee??? 馃馃従

Now playing: Praise by Elevation Worship ft. Brandon Lake, Chandler Moore and Chris brown)

I had the privilege of working with an amazing lady about two years ago and everytime she tried to make me come out of my shell, I’d say I wasn’t capable of doing those things. (I mean… Things that were as simple as anything).

One day, she said to me ‘Do you realize that all you’ve been saying entailed ‘I’? You’re focusing too much on yourself. You’re not going to do it; it’s the power at work inside of you’.

She explained the concept of putting ourselves first instead of the God who’s called us. It’s not intentional, but you’re are the center of everything what you think will happen in your life. Then I realized that pride is thinking you’re able to make things work by yourself and not acknowledging God entirely. It’s also thinking that you are less than who you really are… Like Gideon in the bible.

Sometimes, we are the ones who disqualify ourselves when God tells us He wants to accomplish something great through us. We say, “I can’t do it,” “I am nobody,” or “I’m too unworthy.”

Self condemnation, false humility, prolonged self pity- these are manifestations of pride, too.
And this type of pride DOESN’T even add beauty, it DECOLORS us, increasing the chances of low self-esteem.

So… Stop Hiding. HUMILITY is being who you are in God’s sight. It’s coming to consciousness of what God has called you.

It’s time to REMOVE YOUR MASKS. Stop hiding under the guise of ‘I’m shy’.

The longer we delay knowing who we really are, the more we will be unsure whether how we live our lives are our mere responses to what people say or are truly the life God wants for us to live, and the lives we ourselves want to live.

It starts by being brutally honest with ourselves. Who am I?

A city set on a hill, that’s what scriptures call you… Not under a hill.

I used to be an extrovert when I was younger, I would dance; I was the talkative of the class, I was always in everything, jumping to and fro. Then growing up, I became quite reserved, not because I wanted to, but because of certain situations like wrong opinions about me- in my appearance, abilities, grades, and environment… And it has cost me a lot of opportunities. A whole lot.

Listen to me…

There’s something inside of you that needs to be let out for others, and it takes vulnerability. This Vulnerability takes HUMILITY. The kind of humility that comes to play when you don’t know if you’ll be accepted, but coz of the impact you have to make, you don’t care how people see you. You just want to SHOW UP.

Holding back your knowledge doesn’t mean you’re not sure of yourself. It’s PRIDE, and it might not seem so… But it is what it is.

There’s a difference between Insecurity and Inability.

Inability means that you CAN’T. Insecurity means that YOU DON’T WANT TO. You’re insecure. You don’t want people to laugh at you or think you’re not good enough.

All I know is… Jesus wasn’t scared/ shy of how stupid people would see him when he agreed to teach the people, heal, feed and even die for YOUR sins o.

You think it’s because he’s the son of God and he knew who he was, so it was easy?? Huh… Okay!

Show up for people. Be there for them. Live out God colors.

Make a conscious decision. Take off your mask. Shine unapologetically. You’re so much more than you give yourself credit for. Work in line with what God calls you.

You’re a creator. You’re light. You’re a gift. You’re made for more. Don’t function less.

Teetoluwa 鉂わ笍

11 thoughts on “What pride really is”

  1. Word of wisdom and knowledge, so timely
    ”pride is thinking you鈥檙e able to make things work by yourself and not acknowledging God entirely. It鈥檚 also thinking that you are less than who you really are…” got me
    Thank you WOG馃檹

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