On trusting God+ Ovarian Cyst

Hey there… I have a story for you. I put this up before I lost my blog so I can return to this and get emosh emosh at God’s faithfulness. So, I’m doing it again.

💯Now playing: Million Little Miracles

About 7 years ago, I got a lot of word from ‘people’ about delay/ infertility and I’d been really scared since then… Some part of me FAITHED it, but from time to time, the words kept coming and it left me in no other way than PETRIFIED coz… Who are these people nowww? 😩

In 2020, I noticed irregularities in my menstrual cycle but didn’t think so much about it coz from research, it was kinda normal.

I, however felt it was abnormal coz I could go 3 months without it and all, but still didn’t inform my parents. (Wasn’t even scared at all) but this was until I binged on some of Bisola Badejo’s Short stories and in her story, the young lady had the same issue, visited the doctor who told her it was OVARIAN CYST and it could affect her ‘fertility’ if it wasn’t treated coz it would grow into endometriosis.

It was a Sunday morning and all I could do was cry coz I was going through it. I hadn’t gone to the hospital for check-up, but what I read and the level of relatability terrified me so much. The fact that Zainab Balogun, Inidinma Okojie and Cassie Daves shared their surgery stories and the pain they went through battling endometriosis wasn’t helping matters at all.

I wasn’t even sure, but I told a friend about it and I was trying to stop thinking I had Ovarian cyst in my uterus coz it wasn’t confirmed, but Nahhh… I couldn’t. I also couldn’t get over thinking people’s prophecies about infertility were gradually coming true.

I was really broken. I cried so much. I went to the hospital and after seeing the doctor, he requested that a scan was conducted. When it was, I really had Ovarian cyst. #mindwasn’tblown

I wasn’t shocked. Infact, I smiled in a weird way, until I got home and thought about the prophecies and the link to the recent development. When I started crying, God said… ‘You called for it yourself’.


‘Yes, I said what I said’ (I mean, that’s not how he said it, but you sef imagine how e go dey look me from heaven😌)

‘Yes, I did, but durrrhhh… What could I have done, I was scared.’

‘No, you could have fought it with the WORD’.

Then it dawned on me that I allowed the enemy distract me. I had been praying; My mum had too, about the prophecies and all. I was going to believe ONLY GOD’S WORD ABOUT ME and drop the other ones like hot potatoes, but the devil came and successfully distracted me.

I realized that the devil has neither the power to create nor destroy. He can only distract; and that he does by planting FEAR. Once you give in to fear, you allow unbelief and UNBELIEF is a sin. I gave in to Fear and he held that against me. (Ok… 1-0).

I’m gonna do my own!

Didn’t take my medications. Wasn’t even faithful to the affirmation thing. Was I taking a risk? No, coz as long as God is involved, it’s not a Risk. He’ll fulfil the desires of our heart, as much as it pleases him. And sicknesses?? They don’t please him.

So, I wasn’t risking my health; Healing is the children’s bread.

Lmao… I went for YMR2020 coz I wanted to get healed and it didn’t happen.You know what they say about having expectations during prayers?? I overdid it, but still didn’t get my healing. You know why?

‘Don’t always rely on someone else’s anointing for your miracle. You have the spirit of God within and upon. Speak the word and you’ll receive your miracle.’

This sounds really cliché but it’s true 💯 and its funny how P.Daniel mentioned it at YMR2020 and even gave an illustration to help us understand but I was too angry with God to listen and understand.

In January 2021, I spoke to my friend about it and he consoled me and told me a lot of things, affirmations I had to speak over myself and all (In this life, have good friends. Coz when you’re in your bad times, from whence wilt thou seek counsel?)

The healing I didn’t get from such a power-packed program like YMR, I got from Speaking the word over myself and HAVING BLIND FAITH IN GOD.

I learnt to TRUST IN GOD and IN MY ABILITY AS A SON OF GOD (Yes! Even as a daughter, you’re a SON) through my experiences.

Does my mind go back to the prophecies? Absolutely!

Do I sometimes get scared? Ovkez!

Do I currr? No! BECAUSE WHEN THE WORD OF GOD STARES YOU IN THE FACE, YOU DROP PREJUDICES AND HOLD ON TO GOD, and that’s exactly what I’m doing… Big Purr right there 😂

Why am I sharing this?

Two Sundays later, a lady testified in church about having to undergo surgery to get rid of her Ovarian Cyst. Then, it dawned on me that God truly did a miracle. My cyst dried up. It literally did. 😂😂 I didn’t go through surgery. It dried up.

The last time I made this post, I got a lot of messages from people going through the same, or who had people going through the same. So, asides me documenting, I’m putting it here to strengthen someone’s faith in God.

Your words have power. They can build you up or tear you down. What you say impacts what you see. So, see the impossible. See FAITH. See POSITIVITY.

When something bothers you, go to God first. DO NOT GIVE IN TO FEAR. ASK and God will give you what you want AS MUCH AS IT PLEASES HIM.

Rather than ‘air’ you, God will stop being God. And that, he can NEVER do.

It’s been a pretty lengthy ‘Once Upon a Time’. Thank you for reading my story. Again, I really feel like not hitting ‘publish’, but I don’t mind coz I mean… It is what it is.

I just hope you are encouraged.😁Please, encourage someone by sharing this and drop a comment too.


12 thoughts on “On trusting God+ Ovarian Cyst”

  1. Favour Omonfonma

    “The devil can only distract” Food for thought
    It reminds me of Peter walking on the sea to meet Jesus. The moment he stopped looking at Jesus and weighed the reality of his environment, he begun to sink.
    Thank you for sharing ❤️

  2. The Empowered Woman

    This is the second time I’m reading this and I’m really encouraged

    Congratulations on your healing. I say congratulations knowing that it is actually our right as a child of God
    But you took it upon yourself to demand for it by having faith.

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