Needless Pain

Hey there… How’s your week been, so far? Trust you’re doing great today.

We’ve come into the second half of the year and I thought you’ll need some encouragement. You know…

I had a conversation with a friend and I thought ‘This is a nudge to talk about this’, so here we are…

Now playing: Jericho by Iniko

So… I assume that everyone around you is making waves, doing all sorts, shaking things up and you’re mad at yourself for not having the two heads that they (invisibly) have.

I mean… You know it’s just one, but it has to be two coz how are they attaining such feats with one head, especially if it’s small, right?

Don’t be so hard on yourself because you haven’t achieved all that you want to achieve. Be patient. You’ll eventually figure it all out, and everything will make perfect sense. Every experience will get you to where you are supposed to be. Ok?

Now, Let’s chill with the aspire to Maguire.

Listen… There’s a very thin line between fulfilling purpose and fulfilling another man’s.

I know you have mentors- People you look up to and want to be like because they are doing well or they’ve done so well and have impacted people so much that you want to receive the same flowers they’re receiving, but I want you to be careful.

Yes, be careful so you don’t chart the course of your life after theirs. You’re not them. You won’t be a copy of them. You won’t be ‘another’ them.

So, if because you like someone and the work they do or the way they travel round the world about their businesses and all, you want to do the same things they do, YOU MAY FAIL, OUTRIGHTLY.

We all have different paths and destinies, and yes, I’m sounding all churchy and probably cliché, but just calm down and read.

Usually, the reason you want to do what they do is because you see excellence and you’ve studied them so much, you know half (if not all) of the things they did and you want to apply the same things, but I’m saying you may not need that.

Or maybe you do… Coz you need to follow who know road step by step, but thinking you have to do A, B, C to Z and end up how they did may be the issue.

You don’t have the same destinies. They probably crossed your path coz God wanted you to learn from them, not be another version of them (except of course, God tells you so).

You should not be walking towards the east instead of the west, with so much confusion. And ironically, too much confidence that you’re on the right path.

God wants to write a beautiful story with your life. He’s holding the pen; let him write and punctuate properly, and as he wills.

It will be really terrible to be shouting ‘Tech, Tech??’ when you’re supposed to be discussing ‘Assets and Depreciation ‘ just because you love someone who’s in the tech space or because you want to make plenty money… Or learning a skill you have no business with because people are making money from it.

We should have this conversation. Not every skill that makes money should be learnt BY YOU. God will breathe on that one you think doesn’t make money if he asked you to learn it.

If it appears that the first half of this year was a waste, or maybe not entirely… I’m sending you this reminder for you to always cling to God’s goodness. Hold on to it with everything you’ve got. Guard it jealously, because letting it go can lead to complaints and comparison.

You don’t have to suffer needless pain. God’s got you, provided you turn to him for guidance.

The beauty of your life is not dependent on the things you have, it’s in the fact that Abba is in it. He makes all things beautiful.

Trust me, I know how this can completely consume you, steal your joy and force you to dip your finger in God’s pot of soup.

With love,


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