On trusting God

Hey thereee… Tell me, how have you been?? How’s life been treating you? (In the comments section).

So, sometime ago, I wrote on my phase with trusting God and battling Ovarian Cyst. If you haven’t read it, you can read it here.

I’m here again o, with another of my trusting God saga, because it never seems to end. If I didn’t know better, I’d have said God is trying to use my life to ‘play kite’, but omo… Ion mind putting my eggs in the same basket o, as long as it’s God.

So, last year, I got a mail from Tonye and all I could do was cry coz I felt like God was stuffing His will down my throat. I mean… I love the taste and feel of the choking, but ahah… He shu be calming down na😩

The Gist!

I love to teach, no doubts… But I never experred to teach for NYSC. I wanted to be in a media and communications company.

For the money? Not necessarily. I just wanted the experience, please. I needed it to develop my craft in the media and communications sphere. Naso dem put me for school o. I mean… It’s not bad (thinking of the offer and all) but I just didn’t want it. I preferred a communications company without pay to a school with pay.

So, I began to TRY to work my reposting and all of that. I reached out to companies who promised to get back to me and I was called by one of them, unless I got there and they said they don’t take corp members and interns. ‘So, why did you ask me to come, bro?’I prepared to return to Oyo state, and on getting to Ibadan, I received a call for interview from another company, which was to hold the next day.

‘Ahhhh… Wo, all of you people should just get out of my sight.’ All this while, I’m sure God was looking down on me trying to tilt my head forward, but I just wanted to wander on my own, and he was just there in his heaven and on his throne looking at me, saying ‘When you’re done, come back here’.

I tried all I could to no avail and at some point, I just surrendered. I was tired of praying for God’s will (that was already staring me in the face but I couldn’t see coz I wanted MY WILL that I thought should be God’s will). I was tired of crying and looking like my village people were at work in my life. I became still and then, Tonye sent her mail. 👇🏾

At once, I began to cry and remember when the prayer director at NCCF asked me if I ever pray for God’s will. I sincerely told him that most times, I don’t, but I find myself walking right into his will, because I have surrended my all to him.

Later, I called the proprietress of the school I was posted to, told her I’ll be resuming and all and I felt peace. My heavy heart felt light again and that was it. So, there was CORPER TEETO, who was also a TEACHER. 😂

The day after, a media outlet called me for an online interview and while I didn’t expect that I won’t be asked any professional questions, I was hired on the spot, for a remote job with a good pay.When I asked the CEO of the company how he got to know about me, he said he saw my blog somewhere and thought he wanted to work with me.

God has a plausible sense of humor. Oh boy, he does!Just to show me that his ways are higher than mine, he blocked access to media outlets and after I surrendered, he opened the door.

He wanted to re-explain SERVICE to me and the reason I was contacted for the job lies in MY SERVICE on this blog that he has put in my hands. Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t GOD amazing?

I don’t need to say nothing more. You already know where I’m headed


See ehn… You can’t do life all by yourself, it’s going to be frustrating and miserable because God is supposed to be the GEE in your RACE and that’s why you’ll enjoy GRACE, but if you try to find a solution all by yourself, putting your hand in God’s pot of soup because you feel you’re better than what you’re getting, so what you’re getting cannot be GOD’S WILL… You’ll do yourself pa. Sho gbo?

So, put your life in God’s hands and walk away from it totally. Allow him. Dasol!

Well… That’s all I have to tell you today.

Share your own experiences in the comments – Was there ever a time you thought you had a better plan and God intercepted your plan?

12 thoughts on “On trusting God”

  1. I’ve been fine ooo. God has been dealing with me greatly. This prayer of GOD LET YOUR WILL BE DONE that we normally pray, most times or rather let’s say we don’t even know what it means at all. In every of my prayers I’d always end it with GOD LET YOUR WILL BE DONE, but then in my inner innermost innerest mind, I want my own will. I’ve learnt the hard way as I did hit another rock bottom again.😄 Yesterday was all for reprove nad resurrendering and I know I’m walking right straight into HIS will cos I can’t let the devil tell me otherwise. Mehn, God’s will is great but looks nothing like what we think it is!

  2. The Empowered Woman

    I’m alright; taking one step at a time and learning to trust God.
    It’s not easy at all oooh; but it’s the best yeah.
    I won’t say I’ve learnt to trust completely especially when the seemingly better offer is looking at you straight in the face.
    For almost 6 months, I’ve been battling with why God allowed some things to happen to me and why I’m currently where I am. I used one month to cry and mourn my life because I felt it was all messed up at the moment.
    But you see one thing about this our God ehhh – The way he does his things are so so different that you’d just feel that he has forsaken and forgotten you for a while. Eventually, you’ll discover that he was either teaching or protecting you from something. It was his love that kept you in that state for a while instead of where you felt you should be. This is what I’ve been learning since. I’m still learning, but I’m grateful
    I’m getting to the point where I’m ready to just let him do his thing without feeling too bothered

  3. God’s will can be scary but trusting God is a whole package, if we “trust” Him only when the plans seem perfect, then it’s not trust, it’s just “seeing ahead” and choosing the best.
    I pray you get what i mean.
    May we all believers trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our own understanding.

    1. Absolutely. I do understand you. But trusting God is still seeing ahead. Knowing that what God brings to the table is nothing but perfection and you’re secure with and in him. You might not look like it. It may look faaaar from it, but you’re sure that you’re not disadvantaged and he won’t leave you hanging.

  4. God’s will can be funny sometimes. Its funny becos wen all road u have planned for urself is blocked and sometimes hits u hard the bad way and den u wuld hits urself in ur head saying “what is wrong with me, i just wasted 2years for nothing wen all i culd have done was just follow this path(God’s will)”. Its not easy becos our will most times aligns with the flesh and it seems so flawless and beautiful in our eyes but not in God’s eyes.
    God’s plan is really the best, becos wat you dint expect to happen wen in God’s plan happens to you with ease and peace of mind.
    Im still on

  5. Pingback: The weight of waiting - Teetoluwa

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