
The weight of waiting

You need to trust that God knows what’s best for you, even when you can’t see it, and that is the core of waiting on God.

Hey you, word explorer

Every word you say has the power to create ripples. Choose words that empower and uplift, you might just be making someone’s day, week, or even year. So go forth, sprinkle kindness, and let your words be a force for good.

Impostor Syndrome

Do you think you’re living a lie?? Well, then, everyone is. Everyone is a fraud. Everyone feels like a fraud. There’s something everyone is doing well but they don’t feel enough, so they deflect compliments and think it’s not a big deal.

Needless Pain

The beauty of your life is not dependent on the things you have, it’s in the fact that Abba is in it. He makes all things beautiful.

Dealing with Rejection

If you allow one rejection to damper your self-worth and hold you back, it can have far-reaching consequences, as small as it may be in reality.